
Underground wonders

Toirano and Borgio Verezzi caves - the Arene Candide Cavern

Liguria, a land loved for the sun that illuminates its seas and mountains, but also for its underground wonders.
In the province of Savona, a number of archaeological sites are open to visitors for a unique and incomparable, never before seen, underground experience, suitable for adults and children.

Toirano Caves

The Toirano Caves are known worldwide, the result of millennia of water and earth carving underground spaces to provide visitors with cultural enlightenment. Fifteen halls sculpted and modelled over millennia by nature, a 1,280 metre path, where speleological wonders and archaeological riches deliver unique, incomparable emotions.

For informatioons: toiranogrotte.it

The Arene Candide Cavern

In Finalmarina, several findings and evidence of life from the Upper Paleolithic Age (approx. 40,000 years ago) to the Byzantine Age (VI-VII C AC) have been found in the Arene Candide Cavern The important archaeological finds uncovered over 150 years include burials and numerous objects and signs of daily life in the Neolithic Age (VI-V millennium BC).

For informatioons: museoarcheologicodelfinale.it

Borgio Verezzi Caves

The still, transparent waters of the lakes form one of the biggest tourist attractions at the Borgio Verezzi Caves which wind for about 800 metres inside large halls, between enormous blocks fallen from the vault long ago. Rich with concretions of every type: from thin, almost transparent tubes, to layers as thin as sheets, and grand columns that appear to support the vault through to the eccentric stalactites that challenge the force of gravity, reaching outwards in all directions.

For informatioons: grottediborgio.it

Discover More

Balene Santuario dei cetacei

Memorable encounters

Aquarium | Genoa | Whale Watching

A voyage of discovery into marine biodiversity or a trip into the heart of Cetacean Sanctuary.

Borghi belli d'Italia - Liguria

Places to discover

Most beautiful villages in Italy | Liguria

Between sea and mountain, take a day trip around Liguria and its fascinating and magical villages.

Fortezza del Priamar - Savona

A dive into history

Priamàr Fortress | Savona

The Museum centre, home to the archaeological and city museum and to the permanent handicraft hub.

escursioni a spotorno - Monte Mao

A voyage in nature

Hike Hotel | Outdoor

"Spotorno, paesaggio dell’anima; cielo che a guardarlo si beve” C. Sbarbaro

prodotti tipici Liguri

Culinary excellence

Local products

Liguria is a land fragranced by sea and history, rich with unique flavours and traditions.