
A voyage in nature

In Spotorno, water sports, scuba diving and nature paths

We support responsible tourism in enchanting locations, where nature still plays an important role and is able to partner with people to give life to a landscape that provides the ideal home for beauty.

The sea across the bay of Spotorno, for years awarded the Blue Flag recognizing it as a clean, integral location, offers numerous attractions. Water sports such as snorkelling, scuba diving, surfing or canoeing are excellent ways to discover our extraordinary heritage of biodiversity and learn to love and respect the sea.

For those who love scuba diving, the "blue paths" – Il Pifferaio (night path), La Franata (archaeological path), Il Canalone and La Secca dei Gronchi (natural paths) – are guided tours of different types and difficulty levels, accessible through diving centres and scuba diving associations, who accompany people as they discover this fascinating sea life characterised by a rich posidonia habitat

But we have more than sea. Spotorno offers 12 panoramic, mapped and marked nature paths, the longest of which is the one leading to the Monte Mao peak, our main landmark.

We also have a network of mountain bike trails including trails dedicated specifically to enduro bikes and e-bikes. For some years, youth from a local association have been maintaining the paths, adapting and upgrading some of them specifically for mountain bike use.

The Melograno Hotel is a member of the Hike Hotel circuit, a Club for facilities whose primary purpose is to provide service for lovers of the big outdoors. Whatever your passions may be, we can recommend activities with various levels of difficulties or suggest expert guides.

To learn more about water sports, snorkeling and diving: diving, snorkeling, valle delle palme

To learn more about scuba diving: sentieri blu Bergeggi

To learn more about bike and hike: bikehotelspotorno.com

Photo: Mario Marengo

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