
Culinary excellence

Flavors and fragrances: local Ligurian products

Fragrances are what will guide your journey to discover this land, from pesto to other typical aromas of Ligurian food and wine.

The particular arch conformation of Liguria, a small strip of land with mountains that dive steeply into the sea, should not suggest an area lacking in cultivation. The variegated and diverse landscape, thanks to terracing on the hills, has not prevented the development of agriculture and thanks to the Mediterranean climate, the area offers a rich array of typical products.
Olives, grapes, artichokes, basil, herbs, fruit trees are just some of the PGI and PDO products that you must try.

Liguria is a land fragranced by sea and history, rich with unique flavours and traditions. Its landscapes are so extraordinary that you will want to take a piece of this land home.
At the Hotel, you can find some high quality, typical products of Liguria to take home, made by local companies using methods unchanged over time. 

Spotorno is home to the Azienda Vitivinicola Cantine Sancio vineyard which produces Ligurian DOC wines such as Vermentino, Pigato, Rossese and IGT like Lumassina, Mataosso and Granaccia.

For informations: cantinasancio.it

Also in the hills of Spotorno is the Christian Sancio farm, which produces Extra Virgin Olive Oil made exclusively by crushing, in the olive press, the Taggiasche olives from the groves of Spotorno just hours after harvest.

For informations: oliosancio.com

And the excellence of local cuisine would not be complete without pesto so popular it needs its own consortium to establish the exact proportions of its ingredients. We recommend the pesto produced by Cassalino using traditional methods.

For information (Facebook page): @cassalinoriccardopastafresca

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"Spotorno, paesaggio dell’anima; cielo che a guardarlo si beve” C. Sbarbaro